Fitness: Home toned


Updated on 29 April 2015

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Fitness: Home toned

Personal trainer Louise Tilley offers six ways to stay in shape without even leaving your lounge

Fitness feature Home toned - main 

1 - Start with a cardio blast. It gets your heart rate up and enables you to burn more fat during your workout. Do one minute of knee-raises either from a standing position or a jog. Then one minute of star jumps, keeping the arms straight with a clap above the head. Finish with one minute of toe taps. Place a cushion on the floor and alternate tapping your toes on it, making sure one foot is always off the floor. Do this sequence three times, with a 30-second break in between.

Fitness feature Home toned - cardio blast 

2 - Squats are good for toning the lower body, particularly for defining the thighs and glutes. To start with, put a dining chair behind you and stand with legs slightly wider than hip width, with feet parallel. Keep the weight on your heels and sit back into a squat until you tap the chair. Eventually you can take the chair away and go lower. 2 x 12-15 reps.

Fitness feature Home toned - squats

3 - Tricep dips are great for toning the arms, especially your triceps. Use a dining chair or a low coffee table and place your hands directly behind your bum, fingers facing forward. Keep your abs tight and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then lower yourself down and up again. Start with bent legs, then stretch them out straight. 2x12-15 reps.

Fitness feature Home toned - tricep clips 

4 - Leg scissors work your abs and help achieve a flat tummy. Lie flat on your back with both legs straight up in the air, keep your abs tight and suck in your belly button while you lower one leg at a time to the ground, tapping the floor before raising it again. Make it harder with leg weights or lower both legs at the same time. 2 x 12-15 reps.

Fitness feature Home toned - leg scissors 

5 - Bicycle crunches work your obliques, keeping your waist trim. Lie on your back with legs up and bend your knees at 90º. Put your hands behind your head, engage your abs and stretch out one leg. While you sit-up, touch your knee with the opposing elbow. 2 x 12-15 reps.

Fitness feature Home toned - bicycle crunches 

6 - Push-ups work the arms, chest and abs, and get rapid results. Assume the position and make sure there’s a straight line from your heels to your neck. Keeping your abs engaged, place your hands directly under your shoulders, lower yourself to the ground and come back up. Start on your knees if needs be. 2 x 12-15 reps.


Fitness feature Home toned - pushups 

Louise Tilley is a personal trainer based in west London and Berkshire. Find her at

This article was first published in Square Meal Weddings, 2015

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