Cooking Lesson 2024

Provide clear, step-by-step instructions and allow time for questions

A note on virtual cooking classes

You might be wondering whether to host an in-person cooking class or a live online cooking class. They each have their pros and cons.

In-person cooking classes have several advantages, such as being able to:

  1. Gauge each guest’s skill level
  2. Provide an in-person cooking demo
  3. Run a cooking competition
  4. Standardize the ingredient kit for all attendees
  5. Help guests master the right technique, knife skills, etc. to create a delicious meal
  6. Allow your attendees to taste delicious dishes

However, you’re limited by the amount of space you have, and there are many upfront costs to pay.

An online class or virtual event has its own advantages, such as:

  1. Not paying for space, pest control, cooking equipment, ingredient kits, etc.
  2. Allowing you to serve many more attendees per class
  3. Allowing attendees to cook with their families from the comfort of their homes
  4. Virtually zero transportation costs for all


But there are also cons to hosting a virtual cooking class. With a virtual class, you can’t gauge each guest’s skill level accurately, there’s limited engagement between attendees, and the ingredients and cooking equipment used may vary.

A Zoom cooking class and a live cooking lesson both impart culinary education through a professional chef. Pick the format that works best for you based on available time, money, and resources.