The Hammer of Thor

The Hammer of Thor
5 mins preparation,

This is my version of a classic Guinness punch, but I’ve made it more Scandinavian, using aquavit, which is like gin but without the juniper botanicals. This drink is named after the right fist of Ingemar Johansson, a Swedish heavyweight boxer from the 1950s – I think it’s got as much of a punch as he had. So says Oskar Kinberg (Hide Restaurant and Bar) in an exclusive masterclass for SquareMeal.

Oskar's Top Tips

1] With beer cocktails, it’s good to create an almost sickly-sweet base with the other ingredients, as the beer will dry the mix out quite drastically

2] Take care when you pour beer into sugary concoctions – they tend to froth and can overflow




35ml aquavit
25ml banana liqueur
25ml condensed milk
25ml single cream
15ml Wray & Nephew white overproof rum
1/4 teaspoon secret spice mix (see Method))
Einstök Icelandic Porter



Glass: tankard


Put all the ingredients except the porter into the tankard and stir together


Add ice cubes to about 4cm beneath the top of the tankard and stir for 30 seconds – make sure you stir it properly; it needs to be really cold


Pour in the porter until it reaches the top of the ice, then take a scoop of crushed ice and push it into the top of the tankard, just like a julep (see picture)


Garnish with a sprig of mint


To make the secret spice mix:

Blend together equal parts nutmeg, cinnamon and Chinese five-spice powder

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